Larry Sims

Build A Better You, Health & Wealth

The Revised Biden/Deep State Alphabet for Our Times

The Revised Biden/Deep State Alphabet for Our Times

Why I’m Writing This           Surely there will be people who know me or know of me who might well say, “Larry, aren’t you being a little negative here, a little judgmental?  Aren’t you supposed to be a Christian… would Jesus do this?”        And my answer to them...

Food for our Temples, A Real Sacrifice?

Food for our Temples, A Real Sacrifice?

In the last, opening post for this website we examined the importance of temples throughout the world and their impact on human thinking. Various cultures for the most part revere temples and all that accompanies them- we even noted that according to the New Testament...

Wake Up, (not Woke ) O Sleeping Christian!

Wake Up, (not Woke ) O Sleeping Christian!

“Never pay back evil for evil to anyone.  Respect what is right in the sight of all men.”  Please add italicized emphasis on ‘right in the sight of all men’     The question has undeniably arisen today about where the church of Jesus Christ should be- in the purest...

Blog post #1: Temples and How they Relate to Us

Blog post #1: Temples and How they Relate to Us

Located some 5 km (3 mi) south of Heraklion, the Palace of Knossos is the most  important and best known Minoan palace complex in Crete. The great palace  was built gradually between 1700 and 1400 BC, with periodic rebuildings after  destruction until it was...

When Silence is Unavoidable and Likewise, Politics…

When Silence is Unavoidable and Likewise, Politics…

July 4, November 11, November 22, December 7, December 25, April 30, June 4, June 6, Sept “9”/11, January 6… Isn’t it amazing that if you are a ‘real’ American who actually pays attention to history- even if you were bad with dates, you could probably assign a year to...

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